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Medical Research Council
Fajara The Gambia
The MRC Gambia laboratories were founded back in 1947 when the WWII British Army Hospital was handed over to Medical Research Council, it's main unit is at Fajara on the Atlantic Road.
The unit's research concentrates on communicable diseases of direct concern to The Gambia and the African continent, for the purpose of minimising the burden of illness and mortality in the country and the developing world as a whole. It conducts research in nutrition, reproductive health and non-communicable diseases.
Aside from MRC's research centre in Fajara, there are also 4 field stations including Guinea Bissau.
Following the recently completed major upgrade of the network infrastructure at MRC's headquarters in West Africa, Barkers International have returned to carry out their annual support strategy. This involved upgrading all of the high end switching equipment and associated peripherals to the latest firmware. Throughout the campus Barkers International have historically installed over 100 kilometres of fibre optic underground connections to more than 20 buildings involved with the research facility. To maintain the integrity of the network this needs to be kept under close surveillance due to the harsh environment and attack from vermin and termites. The system is crucial in supporting over 200 scientists, clinicians, senior administrative staff and approximately 500 support staff based at headquarters and up country as far as Basse Sants Su, 400 kilometres distant toward the Senegali border.
Apleona is a leading European real estate and facility manager, based in Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt am Main, they employ over 20,000 employees in more than 30 countries.
Barkers International have recently completed a major refurbishment operation at Apleona's regional headquarters in Motherwell Scotland. This involved the design, integration and implementation of of all major services within the facility to support their HSG operation.
Our involvement included the following areas of expertise :-
Electrical power services and distribution
Fire alarms and environmental protection
Access control and security
Communications systems and telecommunication